Connect TeamGantt with Slack

Reply to comments and manage projects directly from Slack. Transform Slack messages into tasks with assignees and due dates!
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Create new tasks without leaving Slack

Add new tasks to your TeamGantt projects using actions or slash commands.

View and update tasks right from Slack

Stay on top of daily tasks without having to switch to a different app.

Pull a list of active projects into Slack

Quickly access active projects—and filter by search terms.

Choose how often you get notifications

Manage when and how often you want to be notified about TeamGantt tasks.

How to connect TeamGantt with Slack

Ready to get started? Awesome! Here’s how to integrate TeamGantt with Slack.

  1. First things first, you’ll need a TeamGantt account to make the connection. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for free.
  2. Your next step is simple: Add to Slack.

You’ll need to give TeamGantt permission to share some basic info with Slack to make the integration work properly. Review those permissions, then click the green Authorize button to finalize the integration.

Once you’ve authorized the connection, you’ll get a message confirming your success. Click the Open Slack button to continue.

The first time you open Slack after connecting it with TeamGantt, you’ll get a Slack message prompting you to log in to your TeamGantt account.

Click the link to enter your TeamGantt login information and finalize the integration.

How TeamGantt’s Slack integration works

Here’s a quick rundown of the features available in TeamGantt’s Slack integration so you can make the most of this app connection.

Create new tasks

You have 2 options for creating TeamGantt tasks directly from Slack so nothing slips through the cracks.

Option 1: Use Slack actions to create a new task.

  1. Hover over the Slack message you want to take action on, and click the 3 dots that appear to the right.
  2. Select Create Task from the action menu.
  3. The task name will default to the Slack message text. Go with the default, or give the task a name of your own.
  4. Choose the project you want to add the new task to.

Click the Create button to add the task to TeamGantt.

Option 2: Use the /tg create task slash command to add a task.

  1. Type /tg create task into a Slack message.
  2. Enter the task name, and choose the project you want to add it to.

Click the green Create button to add the task to TeamGantt.

Tip: Be sure to assign the task to a team member and schedule start and end dates in TeamGantt once the task has been added from Slack.

View and update daily tasks

Staying on top of your TeamGantt tasks is easy in Slack. You have a few different options for accessing your daily list of TeamGantt tasks in Slack:

  • Type /tg today into a Slack message.
  • Type /tg settings to set up a daily task reminder via your notification preferences.
  • Click TeamGantt under the Apps menu at the bottom of the left column of Slack.

You can update any task listed by clicking one of the following actions:

  • Quick Update: Enables you to update progress or add a comment to the task directly from Slack.
  • Open in TeamGantt: Opens the task in TeamGantt where you can upload files or update additional task details, such as task notes, checklist items, or assignments.

Access active projects

Want a direct line from Slack to your TeamGantt projects? Simply follow these steps.

  1. Type /tg projects into a Slack message to pull up a list of your active projects in Slack.
  2. Want to filter your project list? Add a search term to the end of the slash command. For example, entering /tg projects website will narrow your list down to active projects with “website” in the name.

From there, you can jump right to the project’s List, Calendar, or Discussion view by clicking on the buttons below the project you want to go to in TeamGantt.

Configure your TeamGantt notification preferences in Slack

TeamGantt’s Slack integration gives you the option to receive the following notifications in Slack:

  • Daily reminder of tasks you need to work on that day
  • New task assignments
  • Comments you’ve been tagged in

Here’s how to configure your notification settings in Slack.

Schedule automated reminders for daily tasks

Want to receive automated reminders about your TeamGantt tasks in Slack? Here’s how to manage the frequency and time of day you receive daily task notifications:

  1. Type /tg settings into a Slack message.
  2. Select the frequency and time of day you’d like to be reminded about daily tasks in Slack.
  3. Click the green Update button to make it so.

Disable task assignment and comment mention notifications

Once your TeamGantt account is synced with Slack, you'll automatically receive notifications in Slack anytime you've been assigned to a task or mentioned in a comment. If you'd like to disable these options, no problem! Here’s how:

  1. Type /tg settings into a Slack message.
  2. Select "No" under the Enable task assignment notifications and/or Enable comment mention notifications drop-down options.

Click the green Update button to make it so.

Get a handy slash command refresher

Need a quick reminder of the TeamGantt actions you have available in Slack? Simply type /tg help into your Slack message to see a full list of TeamGantt for Slack slash commands.

Got questions about the integration? 

Reach out to our Customer Success team by email at!